
My Yoga Journey

My Yoga Journey

Yoga has been part of my life for almost as long as I can remember, even though at first I didn’t know anything about yoga other than the stereotypical Western impression of the “pretzel 🥨 pose” known in Sanskrit as padmasana or full lotus posture.
4 min read


by Cheech I don't think things have ever really shifted for me without some form of a catalyst. I learn my most lasting life lessons through pain. I like to call this the two-by-four (2 x 4) of wisdom across the forehead—“crack!” Yeah. I'm talking about lumber here.
2 min read
Take Me to The Happy

Take Me to The Happy

Some people wake up “Happy to Be Alive”. Just look at that doggy 🐶! So joyous, so free! I'm not one of those people. Dangit!
3 min read
We Leave it on the Mat

We Leave it on the Mat

There is so much crap 💩 that piles up on us, isn't there? I think that it has to be brought down out of the head and into the body, taken off the shoulders, liquified into sweat 💦 and left somewhere. Don't leave the weight of the world 🌎 on your shoulders!
2 min read
My Yoga Journey

My Yoga Journey

I have been a bouncer and a bodyguard, a law enforcement officer and a private investigator. I have been stabbed, shot at, set on fire and thrown down flights of stairs. I have been crashed-up, smashed-up, beat-up and considered DOA.
5 min read
Who Makes One?

Who Makes One?

I remember some years ago reading a book written by Zen Master Seung Sahn, (I can’t remember which one, there are so many). He discussed the question: “Who makes one?” Who makes one is a question that confronts our thinking. It attacks our concepts.
3 min read
Party Crashers: Anxiety and Depression

Party Crashers: Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are like kissing cousins. They share a lot of symptomatology and often show up together. Anxiety and depression are party crashers. They bring the unwelcome gifts of worry; insomnia; gastro-intestinal disorders; trouble concentrating and avoidance behaviors.
2 min read
Unnecessary Baggage

Unnecessary Baggage

In this multi-media, uber-complex; complicated world we live in, it seems, we hardly live at all; at least not consciously. We are driven, by chores and responsibilities; flooded with stimuli, both bad and good; constantly. In our high-tech...
1 min read


What is Zen? According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, the definition of Zen is: 1: a Japanese sect of Mahayana Buddhism that aims at enlightenment by direct intuition through meditation 2: a state of calm attentiveness in which one’s actions are guided by intuition rather than by conscious effort
2 min read
Zen (Not Frozen)

Zen (Not Frozen)

One of the ways I respond to stress is to freeze 🥶 in place and stop moving. Even though this is completely opposite of what would really be best for me, the immobility seems to happen before I know it. Then, it takes over and stays too long (like an unwelcome house guest).
4 min read